Αncient Οlive-grove Campus (Campus-2), Building B
Professor Dr. Eleni Theofili-Mpentenioti
Environmentalist, Regional Planning, PhD, MSc
Professor Eleni Theofili-Mpentenioti, graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1984) and continued her post-graduate studies in the Universita degli studi di Modena, Department of law sciences, by attending the master’s degree program “Environmental Protection” (2000). She holds a PhD from the Panteion University, Department of Economic and Regional Development (1999). Her doctorate research focused on the legal framework that would facilitate intermunicipal synergies and cooperations and their contribution to the further development of local administrative authorities. Chapters of her PhD are included in the “Issues of Environmental Management and Protection at municipal level” released in 1999. She speaks English and Italian fluently.
Prof. Theofili – Mpentenioti, is deputy administrator of the Master’s Degree Program “Policies & Applied Methods for the Protection of the Environment” , School of Civil Engineering, UniWa and European University of Cyprus, from 2014 until today. Since 2005, Eleni Theofili-Mpentenioti, has been full time professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the ATEI Piraeus. From 2001 to 2005 she as taught as an associate professor at the same institution. (Αριθμ. βεβ. Υ.Δ.Ε./ΥΠΕΠΘ 10647/17.6.2005, ΦΕΚ 166/13.7.2005, Τεύχος Ν.Π.Δ.Δ). She has also taught at the Higher Educational Institution of the Technical Non-Commissioned Officers of the Greek Air Force (1988-1993) and at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (1999-2000). From 1985 to 1987, Ms Theofili has worked as mathematician at the post-secondary educational Center of Athens, Ampelokipoi.
She has served as scientific supervisor at the “Center of Research and Development” and as a reviewer for numerous research programs relevant to environmental protection. She has also worked as special counselor for seminars funded by the European Union (1990-2000) delivered in Greece and Belgium. She has cooperated with the municipality of Tilos island (2002) as counselor of municipal development. In addition, Prof. Theofili has served as scientific supervisor of conferences related to local development. Findings of her research have been published in numerous scientific journals.