Ponta Evangelia

qode interactive strata
Teaching & Laboratory Staff






Office Address

Αncient Οlive-grove Campus (Campus-2), Building B, 2nd Floor, B_210 Traffic Engineering Lab

Evangelia Ponta is a member of the Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of West Attica. She graduated from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens with a bachelor’s in Civil Engineering (Infrastructures) and a master’s degree in “Environmental Education” from the University of the Aegean. She specializes in Public Urban Transport and Traffic & Transport Systems, in traffic measurements with road sensors, RTMS Radar, and “Video Image Processing” systems. She also specializes in data processing with relevant software programs, which help plan public transport vehicles’ routes and shifts, create tables to plan shifts and their manning, and analyze statistical indicators related to public transport vehicles and human resources. In addition, she has worked on transport research projects and traffic studies. Her current research interests focus on the study of Sustainable Mobility and its environmental, social, and economic dimensions.