The collective and individual bodies of the Department that propose and/or decide in accordance with the powers assigned to them by the applicable legislation are the Assembly, the Board of Directors, the President and the Vice-President of the Department, the General Assemblies of the three (3) Divisions and the Directors of the Divisions.
An important role for the smooth operation of the Department is the organizational and administrative role of its Secretariat.
The Departmental Administration consists of (a) The Assembly of the Department, (b) the Chairman, (c) the Assemblies of the Divisions
Chairman of the Department: Dr. Varelidis George, Professor
Deputy Chairman: Dr. Kokkinos Filis-Triantaphyllos, Associate Professor
Department Divisions:
Division A – Structural Engineering
Director of the Division: Dr. Repapis Kostantinos, Associate Professor
Members: Demakos Konstantinos, Kokkinos Filis-Triantaphyllos, Moussas Vassilios, Pnevmatikos Nikolaos, Repapis Kostantinos, Metaxa Sophia, Denezaki Stavroula, Papanikolaou Evangelos, Chrysafopoulou Louiza
Division B – Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering
Director of the Division: Dr. Belokas Georgios, Associate Professor
Members: Valavanides Marios, Sibetheros Ioannis, Belokas Georgios, Mavrouli Olga
Division C – Transport, Environment & Project Management
Director of the Division: Dr. Alexakis Dimitrios, Professor
Members: Alexakis Dimitrios, Varelidis Georgios, Theofili Eleni, Pappas Alexandros, Tyrinopoulos Yannis, Vryzidis Isaak, Kourniatis Nikolaos, Kerpelis Ploutarxos, Atamasova Yianna, Εxarchakos Georgios, Makrigiannis Panagiotis, Ponta Evangelia, Tsikritsis Antonios, Mitropoulou Vasiliki, Milioti Christina
Head of the Department’s Secretariat: Vardakosta Irini