Moussas Vassilios

qode interactive strata

Associate Professor

Diploma of El. Eng., Dept. of Electrical (& Computer) Engineering, Univ. of Patras, GR
Ph.D on Comp. Eng. & Inf., Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, Univ. of Patras, GR & Reliability Division, CEC Joint Research Centre ISPRA (VA), IT
M.Sc on Data Communication Systems, Dept. of Electronic & Computer Eng., Brunel Univ., LONDON, UK
Specialization Courses: Neural Networks, Adaptive Systems & Applications (Univ. of Athens), 
Routers-Switches-Firewalls (Cisco), Solaris SysAdm (SUN), ATM (Fore), NMS, etc. 
Languages: Greek, English, French & Italian (very good), German (A1)         

Scientific Interests:
– Adaptive Multi-Model Partitioning Algorithms and Nonlinear Systems, Pattern Recognition, Classification, Optimization & Oper. Research Algorithms,
– Detection and Tracking of Signal Sources in Materials/Air/Water using Sensor Arrays, Smart Sensors
– Advanced Computer Algorithms for Material Testing and Reliability,
– Fatigue Crack Growth Monitoring and Lifetime Prediction, Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation,
– Modeling, Anomaly Detection & Big Data Analytics in Data & Networks (Computer, Power, Traffic, Medical, etc.) using State-Space, Autoregressive, Neural, etc., Stochastic models.

Courses: Computer Programming, Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition, Operational Research, Engineering Project Management, Algorithms & Complexity, Object oriented & Windows Programming.

List of Publications, Recent FP7-ICT Projects , Detailed CV (EN)