Valavanides Marios

qode interactive strata





Office Address

Αncient Οlive-grove Campus (Campus-2), Building C, C013 Hydraulics Lab (

Marios Valavanides, PhD

Professor (Hydraulics and Flow in Porous Media). Dept. Civil Engineering, University of West Attica

SCOPUS ,  ORCiD ,  Web of ScienceTM ,  ResearchGateCV (6p) ,    Extended CV ,   Publication List


  • Ph.D. (Fluid Mechanics), University of Patras, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Physicochemical Hydrodynamics & Transport Phenomena (1998). “Macroscopic Theory of Two-phase Flow in Porous Media based on Integration of Pore Scale Phenomena”. Supervisor, A.C. Payatakes (
  • Post-graduate Specialization (in Composite Materials), University of Patras, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineers, Lab. of Applied Mechanics. (1991) “Damage Tolerance in Advanced, Thermoplastic Composite Aerospace Constructions”
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, University of Patras (1989)


Work History

1998-2002      Technology Transfer Consultant – Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)

2002-2006      Project Manager at FORTH Photonics LTD a FORTH spin-off

2006-today     Faculty member, TEI Athens and UniWA


Current activities


  • Undergraduate: UniWA: “Fluid Mechanics”, “Hydraulics”, “Open Channel Hydraulics”, “Experimental Hydraulics”, “Land Reclamation & Irrigation”, “Management of Construction Equipment”
  • Postgraduate: (1) Hellenic Open University: “Construction Project Management”, (2) Engineer Officers’ Technical School (STEAMX) “Fluid Mechanics & Applied Hydraulics”

Management of Educational Activities


Res. Interests:

Fluid mechanics and, in particular, physics and multi-scale modeling of two-phase flow in porous media, continuum mechanics, and mechanics of composite materials. Main research activities are focused on the development of the DeProF theory for steady-state two-phase flow in porous media (Valavanides, 2018).

My current research efforts are towards expanding the fractional flow theory to account for flow rate dependency and towards the recovery of the universal, relative permeability and energy efficiency maps for two-phase flow in porous media. In that context, I am also implementing energy efficiency criteria to develop a normative methodology for the effective characterization of flows (capillary/viscous) and pore networks (rock typing). All updates available at the ImproDeProF webpage.

Research Expeditions:

  • “Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Improvement of the Mechanistic Model DeProF and Implementation in Practical Applications” Contractor: TEI Athens MlS 379389, NSRF Grant Budget: 100,0k€, Duration 2012-2015, Scientific Manager M.S. Valavanides (
  • “Laboratory validation of Flow-Dependent Relative Permeability Scaling for steady-state two-phase flow in micro-fluidic pore networks” in collaboration with Univ. of Stuttgart/MIB, (complementary funding by DAAD and SPWLA :

International Collaborations: