Building Construction

qode interactive strata
Laboratories (Educational/Research)



Office Address

Αncient Οlive-grove Campus (Campus-2)

The Laboratory of Building Construction covers design topics, such as:

  • Design of building details.
  • Stages of construction of building projects.
  • Placement – layout of the project on the plot.
  • Laying of foundation formwork.
  • Building shell (masonry, coatings, etc.)
  • Frames.
  • Floors and ceilings.
  • Types of insulation and roofs (passable and impermeable).
  • Roofing.
  • Scaling.
  • The relationship of the engineer with the modern construction process. Interconnection of design and construction through modern digital technologies. (laser cutting, 3d printing)
  • Study of Curved surfaces (applications: shells, membranes), Polyhedral surfaces (applications: spatial networks, geodesic domes), Geometric transformations (applications: constructions with flat or three-dimensional patterns)
  • Selection of themes of applied character and their development, with the program Rhinoceros, as well as with formulation of algorithms with the program grasshopper.
  • Shell and dome design over space, given the floor plan, using modern design tools.
  • Types and design of paving at the level and in the space.
  • Study of nodes of metal and wood constructions and design for digital implementation (3d printing, laser cutting).


These topics are approached with analog and modern digital media.