Tsiatas Georgios

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Adjunct Faculty

Dipl Civil Eng., MSc, PhD



Office Address

Αncient Οlive-grove Campus (Campus-2), Building B

Dr. Tsiatas is an Associate Professor of Mechanics at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He holds a Diploma Degree in «Structural Engineering» from the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA (1997), an M.Sc. degree in «Concrete Structures» from the Civil Engineering Department of the Imperial College in London (1998), an M.Sc. degree in «Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures» from the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA (2000), and a Doctoral Degree in «Structural Engineering» from the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA (2003).

He has held or currently holding appointments at the University of Patras (2016-2022) as a Professor of Mechanics, the Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (P.U.A.S.) as Adj. Assistant Professor (2004‑2016), the Akmi Metropolitan College as a member of the teaching staff (2014‑2016), the Hellenic Open University as a member of the Coactive Educational Staff (2017‑), and the University of West Attica as a member of the teaching staff (2020‑).

The research activity of Dr. Tsiatas comprises structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, linear and nonlinear theory of elasticity, stability analysis of structures, optimum design of structures, mechanics of composite materials, micromechanics, and computational mechanics. He has authored or co-authored approximately 90 scientific publications (45 in international peer-reviewed journals) and refereed for over 51 international journals. His work has attracted over 1400 citations (Google Scholar) by researchers. So far, he has served as Principal Investigator (PI) and Main Researcher (postdoctoral fellow) in 2 projects funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, and the European Social Fund.

He has served or is currently serving as Specialty Chief Editor of the «Computational Methods in Structural Engineering» section in the Journal Frontiers in Built Environment, Associate Editor of the «Earthquake Engineering» section in the same Journal, and member of the editorial board of 3 international journals. Moreover, he has participated in the Scientific Advisory Committee of 5 International Conferences.

Dr. Tsiatas is also a member of several professional and scientific associations. He is currently serving as an Executive Board Member in the Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GR.A.C.M.) and as General Secretary in the Hellenic Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (H.S.T.A.M). He had served as a Member of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (E.C.CO.M.A.S.) Young Investigator Committee (2014-2016).

Short CV (EN)